The weather could not have been finer. Beautiful blue skies and a hot sun made for excellent beach weather. We also found a minbak (accommodation where you sleep on the floor) that only cost us $25 per person for both Friday and Saturday night, and was only a 3 minute walk to the beach. The weekend was spent playing in the mud and getting very dirty, rinsing it off in the ocean, then doing it again. We also had fun with the paparazzi. Yes, paparazzi.
Despite the hundreds of foreigners there, the newspaper photographers loved our group. Probably because we had a bunch of beautiful women who didn't mind playing for the camera. But still, there were plenty of other beautiful women around. And we had Art, who looks terrifying covered in mud. It was like a piranha feeding frenzy. One lonely cameraman would show up and then minutes later everyone else decided they needed a shot. They even told us how to pose for the picture. Actually, it got annoying after awhile, but we made good fun of it.
We had the best shellfish meal on Saturday night- a bucket of live clams. You dump them on the grill and they pop open when their done. So delicious! And, I tried songnakji. Yes, I ate live, squirming octopus tentacles. Don't knock it till you try it. It was amazing!
Coming home we missed our train out of town so we caught one an hour later. Consequently we lost our seats for the 2 1/2 ride, however, we did get a refund since standing tickets are cheaper. We also made the best of it. We all congregated in the no man's land between train cars and sat on the floor blasting our music, singing and dancing and drinking beer. It was hot as hell, and very
Finally, to round out the perfect weekend, we all had dinner at the Dubu House which we paid for with our ticket refund. It was also our final meal with Sarah, who returned from 2 weeks in Bali so she could go to the
Dang. What a blast! Ocean City has nothing on this.
I'm speechless Dave :)
I mean "WOW"
It looks like you're having the best time ever. And you're pictures and descriptions make me feel like I was there! :) Now I don't know when I want to visit... lantern festival or mudfest?? hmmm.. Oh, btw, I love the way they spell stuff... "Suvival Fight!" hehehe, that's great :)
Well thanks for the update! Can't wait for the next big adventure!!
Nice photoson your blog! Do you like music? 80s music? Come to my music place,
Boryeong Festival is ABSOLUTELY beautiful though and we took full advantage of
all of the mud activities then! All in all, a great time had by everyone!
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