There's something intrinsically fascinating about passports. Whenever a friend of mine has their passport on them I ask to look at it. I love to see the stamps. Each country has a different stamp. Some unique, some not so much. I still think that the most interesting stamp I've received was the first one I ever got- from Honduras. It actually has the outline of the country on it. America's is pretty disappointing. It doesn't even say "USA". It says "U.S. Customs and Border Protection".
Whenever I travel one of the most exciting things is to receive the stamp in my passport. I'll go out of my way to ask them to stamp it if I don't think they're going to. And let me tell you, one of the most disappointing things is when they don't. I missed out on many stamps when traveling within the E.U. Visas are even more exciting. They look important and official. Plus they take up a whole page. Yeah, I know, I'm a nerd. Guilty as charged. But...I'm just giving voice to the sentiments of anyone who has ever traveled abroad. Whether they will admit it or not.
Travel is one of the most exciting things we can do as humans. When you step into a new country, and everything you see in books and on the television comes to life right before your eyes, it's incredible. Travel opens the mind and broadens one's sense of self. When you realize that there is more than one way to do something, it's amazing. Travel is like a door to new worlds, and one's passport is the key. A stamp, that's a memory, and proof of one's experience.
There's something comforting when I land in America and I witness a sea of blue books come out of purses, luggage, and back pockets. It's the first sign that reminds me I'm finally home. Likewise if I'm in a foreign country, waiting in the immigration line and I see a blue blue passport book with an eagle. It tells me "Hey, I'm not alone here. I've got company."
So, I dedicate this blog to my passport. After 10 years, it's finally time to get a new one. It took me to 4 continents and over 24 countries. We'll only see where the next 10 years take me! Well, I know the first stop...Thailand- February 12-27th!

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