In Asia, the fourteenth of every month is a special day. In Korea three of those days are primarily celebrated. February 14th is Valentine's Day, as we all know. On that day in Korea women give their significant others chocolate. The 14th of March is known as White Day. It's on that day that men reciprocate by giving their significant other candy. And April 14th, that's Black Day. This day is for everyone else.
Black Day is the day that single people commemorate their singleness. Single parties are held today. There's a speed dating party that I heard about that's happening today. There are 20 guys and 20 girls and you have 3 minutes to talk to each person. Every three minutes you switch. Apparently it's the new rage. I wouldn't know though, I've never been. The most famous way single people commemorate Black Day, however, is by by eating ja-jang-myeon.
Ja-jang-myeon is noodles with black been sauce, and it's eaten today because of it's color. It came to Korea about 100 years ago from China, and is now more popular here than there. It is the most popular home delivery food- much more so than pizza, chicken, and traditional Korean food. It also happens to be one of my personal favorite dishes in Korea. I know the photo may not look appetizing to a Westerner, but take my word for it, black bean sauce and noodles is so delicious! Although I am celebrating today, I won't be eating ja-jang-myeon. I don't need to and besides, it's my birthday. Tonight I am planning on having a night on the town with my friends and we will kick it off by eating some excellent Western fare: brick oven baked pizza at the new restaurant that opened down the road.
And what do all the people who are spoken for do on Black Day? Not much. Either thank God they're not single, or conspire about how they can be.
1 comment:
I am very interested in the article that you created. I am very interested in Korean food I hope someday I can make it yourself
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